macOS Big Sur 画面が消えない / Sleepしない

Bir Surのアップグレードして便利なことばかりなのですが、不具合もありました。

自宅のM1 iMacでは「画面が自動的に消えない」「Sleeが継続しない」問題がありました。


macOS Big Sur 画面が消えない / Sleepしない場合の対処



自宅の環境では「ladiocast」と「Parallels」が「非スリープ」になっており、「Parallels」を「Suspend」→「Power On」にすることで「画面が自動的に消灯する」ことが出来ました。


画面1. 省電力「Energy Saver」


画面2. 「Activity Monitor」

「Preventing Sleep」が「スリープを阻害しているアプリ」です。

「Parallels Desktop」も表示されていたのですが、再起動することで「画面が自動的に消える」ようになりました。

Screen Timeも問題なので、以下の通り無効にします。

参考:Screen Time On/Offでのsyslog
log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason" | grep -v 137

# Screen Time Onの状態のログ
2021-06-23 02:31:17.169657+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-23 02:32:17.626523+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-23 02:32:17.626536+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-23 02:34:21.523240+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-23 02:34:21.523250+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to

# Screen Time Offの状態のログ
2021-06-23 03:06:50.662569+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
2021-06-23 06:16:33.532743+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
2021-06-23 09:26:11.721258+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
2021-06-23 12:37:13.804817+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
2021-06-23 15:41:22.565261+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"


Hello, thank you for your resource, it's been very helpful for me to fire up macOS on my NUC. With your EFO configuration, it worked pretty well for the most pa...
log show --style syslog | fgrep "[powerd:sleepWake]"
2021-06-19 05:38:11.127158+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] sendNoRespNotification: 0x19
2021-06-19 05:38:11.160665+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Reason:BlueAvengers: Toggle beacon state
2021-06-19 05:38:11.160714+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
2021-06-19 05:38:16.136627+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Entering Sleep state due to 'Software Sleep pid=173'
2021-06-19 05:38:16.136729+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] connectionFireNotification: 0x0 gen 0x121

This is interesting. I turned off my Bluetooth keyboard and switched to my Logitech keyboard paired with my USB dongle and now it can sleep properly. I have this time the event 2020-11-14 20:48:37.028175+0100 localhost powerd[67]: [powerd:sleepWake] Reason:BlueAvengers: Toggle beacon state in the log which is strange cause I already disable Find My Mac. It hurts not to be able to use my mechanical keyboard due to sleep issue :(

sudo log erase --all to clean the logs,
zearp commented on Nov 14, 2020
Can you run the following commands?

First sudo log erase --all to clean the logs, then enter sleep with pmset sleepnow wait a few minutes
 so the logs can collect data and then wake up the machine and run log show --style syslog | fgrep "[powerd:sleepWake]" and pmset -g assertions and pmset -g.

Let me know the outputs of the commands.

log show –style syslog | fgrep “Wake reason” | grep -v 137

2021-06-18 23:55:13.952988+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-18 23:55:13.959127+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-18 23:55:14.193958+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-18 23:55:14.248569+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:11:06.326541+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:11:06.458825+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:11:06.458884+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:11:06.545144+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:11:06.606743+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:27:59.312342+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:27:59.426062+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:27:59.426111+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:27:59.545663+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:27:59.608812+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:45:58.317990+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:45:58.318149+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:45:58.320578+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 00:45:58.546210+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 00:45:58.608143+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:14:43.424269+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:14:43.526004+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:14:43.526063+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:14:43.656666+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:14:43.714964+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:30:30.225968+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:30:30.326250+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:30:30.326307+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:30:30.459164+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:30:30.517002+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:46:25.310770+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:46:25.310810+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:46:25.314578+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 17:54:59 +0000]]
2021-06-19 01:46:25.564067+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 01:46:25.607194+0900  localhost corebrightnessd[164]: Woke Up
2021-06-19 05:38:11.160665+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Reason:BlueAvengers: Toggle beacon state
2021-06-19 05:59:40.455374+0900  localhost bluetoothd[161]: (SPOwner) [] BeaconingCalculator: Woke too soon. Returning - [State - [NO], wake date - [2021-06-18 23:38:11 +0000]]
2021-06-19 05:59:40.546416+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 05:59:40.546493+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 05:59:40.680569+0900  localhost airportd[244]: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2021-06-19 05:59:40.739855+0900  localhost corebrightnessd[164]: Woke Up

2021-06-19 01:14:43.685164+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-19 01:14:43.685175+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-19 01:30:30.490209+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-19 01:30:30.490220+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-19 05:38:11.160714+0900  localhost powerd[106]: [powerd:sleepWake] Wake reason: "<private>"  identity: "<private>"
May 16, 2020
alexakos89 said:

hey, Have you found any solution to this? my hacky wakes every 2 hours exactly.
Yes, I managed to solve this problem.
Your computer wakes up every few hours by itself because TCPKEEPALIVE is enabled.

To disable it, run the command in Terminal:
Sudo pmset -a TCPKEEPALIVE 0

After that, my computer did not wake up even once myself.
Like Reactions:sckn, alchymista, dranose and 2 others

leBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.Service - Connection attempt with TCP from 80:be:5:a1:5f:b4 to

2021-06-16 10:04:57.394367+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-16 10:04:57.394377+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-16 10:05:04.500737+0900  localhost apsd[137]: [] <private>: Wake reason <private> matches <private>
2021-06-16 10:07:57.768273+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
2021-06-16 10:07:57.768282+0900  localhost kernel[0]: (AppleBCM5701Ethernet) AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Wake reason: Enet.TCPData - Incoming data on a kept-alive socket with TCP from 0:a0:de:65:cf:c to
Apple is stupid? Maybe :-) Why issues like this are possible… When people turn to solutions online all they find are generic solutions to toggle Power Nap off i...

