VDLデコード by Raspberry Pi + dumpvdl2



Raspberry PiにてVDLを受信するまでの記録です。


Raspberry Pi基本セット + DVB-Tチューナ(RTL2832U) + VHFを受信できる屋外アンテナ

What is VDL Mode 2?

VDL (VHF Data Link) Mode 2 is a communication protocol between aircraft and a network of ground stations. It has a higher capacity than ACARS and a lot more applications. More information can be found on Wikipedia or SigIdWiki.

# DVB受信ドングルの認識確認(Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:2838 にて認識)
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 04e6:511a SCM Microsystems, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 3275:0080 VidzMedia Pte Ltd
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:2838 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMC9514 Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

# 必要ライブラリinstall
sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libglib2.0-dev pkg-config
sudo apt install librtlsdr-dev

# Install libacars library
git clone https://github.com/szpajder/libacars
cd libacars
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

# SQLite (optional)
sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
sudo ldconfig

# dumpvdl2
VDL Mode 2 message decoder and protocol analyzer. Contribute to szpajder/dumpvdl2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
.git" class="blog-card-thumbnail-link" target="_blank">
VDL Mode 2 message decoder and protocol analyzer. Contribute to szpajder/dumpvdl2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
# dumpvdl2ダウンロード & install
git clone https://github.com/szpajder/dumpvdl2.git
cd dumpvdl2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install

# The last command installs the binary named dumpvdl2 to the default bin directory (on Linux it's /usr/local/bin). To display a list of available command line options, run:
/usr/local/bin/dumpvdl2 --help

# dumpvdl2の起動
sudo dumpvdl2 --rtlsdr 0 --gain 49.6 --correction 42 --output decoded:text:file:path=/tmp/vdl2.logrotate=daily

dumpvdl2 2.1.0 (libacars 2.1.2)
Warning: frequency not set - using VDL2 Common Signalling Channel as a default (136975000 Hz)
Sampling rate set to 1050000 sps
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
usb_claim_interface error -6
Failed to open rtlsdr device #0: error -6

# acarsdeco2にてDVB-Tが先に利用されているためのError
# acarsdeco2を終了させ、正常に起動できたときのmessage
# "[R82XX] PLL not locked!"は気にしない。
# logは/tmp/video/vdl2.logに出力

# 起動時にBaseStation.sqbを指定すると、航空機の型式” AC info: ”が追加して表示されます。

sudo dumpvdl2 --rtlsdr 0 --gain 49.6 --correction 42 --output decoded:text:file:path=/tmp/vdl2.log,rotate=daily --bs-db /tmp/BaseStation.sqb

dumpvdl2 2.1.0 (libacars 2.1.2)
Warning: frequency not set - using VDL2 Common Signalling Channel as a default (136975000 Hz)
Sampling rate set to 1050000 sps
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 1050000.026077 Hz
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Center frequency set to 136975000 Hz
Device #0: gain set to 40.20 dB
Device 0 started
Allocating 15 zero-copy buffers

# 参考: --rtlsdr 1 136975000  rtlsdrドングルの番号を指定 acarsdecとかち合わないように注意 共通チャンネル136.975MHzを指定(デフォルト)


# Copy the unit file to the systemd unit directory:
sudo cp /etc/dumpvdl2.service /etc/systemd/system/

# Copy the example environment file to /etc/default directory:
sudo cp etc/dumpvdl2 /etc/default/

# Edit /etc/default/dumpvdl2 with a text editor (eg. nano). Uncomment the DUMPVDL2_OPTIONS= line and put your preferred dumpvdl2 option set there. Example:
 DUMPVDL2_OPTIONS="--rtlsdr 0 --gain 39 --correction 0 --output decoded:text:file:path=/home/pi/vdl2.log,rotate=daily 136975000 136875000 136775000"
 DUMPVDL2_OPTIONS="--msg-filter all,-acars_nodata --rtlsdr 0 --gain 49.6 --correction 42 --output decoded:text:file:path=/tmp/video/dump-vdl/dumpvdl2.log,rotate=daily --bs-db /tmp/video/dump-vdl/BaseStation.sqb"

# Reload systemd configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# Start the service:
sudo systemctl start dumpvdl2

# Verify if it's running:
systemctl status dumpvdl2

colorized logs by multitail

sudo apt install multitail
sudo cp ~/dumpvdl2/extras/multitail-dumpvdl2.conf /etc
sudo echo "include:/etc/multitail-dumpvdl2.conf" >> /etc/multitail.conf

# 起動
multitail -cS dumpvdl2 ./vdl2.log


cat ./vdl2.log

[2021-01-11 16:59:29 JST] [136.975] [-17.6/-42.2 dBFS] [24.7 dB] [-28.3 ppm]
71BE29 (Aircraft, Airborne) -> F00225 (Ground station): Command
AC info: N604FE, MD11, FDX
AVLC type: I sseq: 4 rseq: 4 poll: 0
  Reassembly: skipped
  Reg: .N604FE Flight: FX9815
  Mode: 2 Label: B6 Blk id: 1 More: 0 Ack: ! Msg num: F25A
  ADS-C message:
    Contract number: 8
   Basic report:
    Lat: 41.2818146
    Lon: 147.6306725
    Alt: 37996 ft
    Time: 3555.875 sec past hour (:59:15.875)
    Position accuracy: <0.05 nm
    NAV unit redundancy: OK
    TCAS: OK
   Fixed projection:
    Lat: 38.4276009
    Lon: 144.2204475
    Alt: 38000 ft
    ETA: 2219 sec
   Predicted route:
    Next waypoint:
     Lat: 37.8164864
     Lon: 143.5396385
     Alt: 38000 ft
Wait a minute...
    Lon: 143.1528854
    Alt: 37956 ft
    ETA: 2217 sec
   Predicted route:
    Next waypoint:
     Lat: 40.4195595
     Lon: 144.9961853
     Alt: 37952 ft
     ETA: 780 sec
    Next+1 waypoint:
     Lat: 38.9063644
     Lon: 143.2280731
     Alt: 37952 ft
   Earth reference data:
    True track: 223.2 deg
    Ground speed: 372.0 kt
    Vertical speed: 48 ft/min
   Air reference data:
    True heading: 234.1 deg
    Mach speed: 0.8225
    Vertical speed: 48 ft/min

参考:dumpvdl2 –help

dumpvdl2 --help
dumpvdl2 2.1.0 (libacars 2.1.2)

RTL-SDR receiver:

    dumpvdl2 [output_options] --rtlsdr <device_id> [rtlsdr_options] [<freq_1> [<freq_2> [...]]]

Read I/Q samples from file:

    dumpvdl2 [output_options] --iq-file <input_file> [file_options] [<freq_1> [<freq_2> [...]]]

General options:
    --help                                      Displays this text
    --version                                   Displays program version number
common options:
    <freq_1> [<freq_2> [...]]                   VDL2 channel frequencies, in Hz

Maximum number of simultaneous VDL2 channels supported is 8.
If channel frequencies are omitted, VDL2 Common Signalling Channel (136975000 Hz) will be used as default.

    --rtlsdr <device_id>                        Use RTL device with specified ID or serial number (default: ID=0)
    --gain <gain>                               Set gain (decibels)
    --correction <correction>                   Set freq correction (ppm)
    --centerfreq <center_frequency>             Set center frequency in Hz (default: auto)

    --iq-file <input_file>                      Read I/Q samples from file
    --centerfreq <center_frequency>             Center frequency of the input data, in Hz (default: 0)
    --oversample <oversample_rate>              Oversampling rate for recorded data
                                                (sampling rate will be set to 105000 * oversample_rate)
                                                Default: 10
    --sample-format <sample_format>             Input sample format. Supported formats:
        U8                                      8-bit unsigned (eg. recorded with rtl_sdr) (default)
        S16LE                                   16-bit signed, little-endian (eg. recorded with miri_sdr)

Output options:
    --output <output_specifier>                 Output specification (default: decoded:text:file:path=-)
                                                (See "--output help" for details)
    --output-queue-hwm <integer>                High water mark value for output queues (0 = no limit)
                                                (default: 1000 messages, not applicable when using --iq-file or --raw-frames-file)
    --decode-fragments                          Decode higher level protocols in fragmented packets
    --gs-file <file>                            Read ground station info from <file> (MultiPSK format)
    --bs-db <file>                              Read aircraft info from Basestation database <file> (SQLite)
    --addrinfo terse|normal|verbose             Aircraft/ground station info verbosity level (default: normal)
    --station-id <name>                         Receiver site identifier
                                                Maximum length: 255 characters
    --msg-filter <filter_spec>                  Output only a specified subset of messages (default: all)
                                                (See "--msg-filter help" for details)

Text output formatting options:
    --utc                                       Use UTC timestamps in output and file names
    --milliseconds                              Print milliseconds in timestamps
    --raw-frames                                Print raw AVLC frame as hex
    --dump-asn1                                 Print full ASN.1 structure of CM and CPDLC messages
    --extended-header                           Print additional fields in message header
    --prettify-xml                              Pretty-print XML payloads in ACARS and MIAM CORE PDUs


